Torin has been a prominent member of Engineers without Borders since 2013, first as a college student at Temple University, then as a professional member of the Philadelphia chapter. Torin has dedicated his life to service and provide relief to his fellow man and values EWB as an outlet to allow him to live out his life’s goal with his talents and experience in the field of water resources engineering.

I am Padideh Moghaddam, Chapter’s treasurer and the Fundraising Lead for the Guatemala Project. I joined EWB in the summer of 2019 and was immediately captivated by the energy of the group. I love how volunteers with different backgrounds and skillset come together and contribute to the project’s success. When not working with EWB, I work as the Practice Development Manager for RK&K, a civil engineering consulting firm. I manage the construction management and inspection team in PA, working on various infrastructure projects across the state.
I am a big foodie and I love to travel.

Noresh is a mechanical engineer with experiences in HVAC, plumbing and fire protection systems for facilities and infrastructure projects. He has keen interest in sustainable energy systems and hopes to work on developing energy projects for the chapter. He aspires to be a multipotentialite and strives to improve himself constantly with challenges both professionally and personally. He is looking forward to learning and growing together with the talented people in this team in delivering projects to underserved communities around the world. Noresh also works with the Malaysian EWB chapter and hopes to further strengthen ties between regions by partnering for projects.

Ronak Padukone is a mechanical engineer in Philadelphia interested in renewable energy, sustainability, and community development. As an International Project Team Lead with EWB Philly he is excited to work with so many talented people! He makes an effort to travel as much as he can and hopes to use his engineering skills to help people all over the world. He also loves to hike, ski, and can wiggle his ears on demand.

Bill is a licensed civil engineer, registered in PA. Retired from the Army Corps of Engineers and a Life Member of ASCE and NSPE. He currently serves as liaison between EWB Philadelphia Professional Chapter and local EWB student chapters, as well as professional engineering societies. Outside interests include woodworking and bird watching.

My name is John-Paul Anderson – Project Lead for the Furness High School Community Garden Project. My work with Engineers Without Borders (EWB) over the years has included leading the Rowan University EWB International and Domestic teams on successful projects to provide engineering systems to people in need, chaperoning future leaders to take on those roles and supporting the New Jersey EWB chapters as the NJ State Representative. When not working with EWB, I am a full time Project Engineer for Roux Associates where we provide Environmental Remediation Support for our client’s most challenging projects. I am also the President/Founder of ReYouth – a local nonprofit focused on sustainability by hosting a variety of projects including community cleanups, stream restorations, invasive plant removal, native planting, and giving presentations at various events on everyday sustainability.
I love to surf, play music, hike, cook and share time with my friends and family. Every day is a new opportunity to be the best version of ourselves.