
Our awesome project takes place in the community of Aldea Las Lagunas Cuaches, Guatemala. At the moment, the community of 3,882 people is without safe drinking water and cases of waterborne ailments, such as diarrhea and skin illnesses, are reportedly on the rise. The community relies on a shared well and spring water which can only provide for 30 households out of the 600 plus existing there. There are water shortages daily. The community lives on subsistence agriculture; however, due to the water shortages, the crops often fail and people are forced to move out elsewhere. The local government attempted to produce a well to provide water for their community but did not have the means to finish the project, getting as far as creating a well bore hole with confirmed water. This is where we come in.

The Guatemala – Quetzaltenango, Lagunas Cuaches Conduction Line Project will attempt to fill this void and provide clean water for the community of Aldea Las Lagunas Cuaches. The scope of the Lagunas Cauches project includes installing a water pump in the existing well bore, creating a water treatment system, and building a conduction line. Our hope is that the project will provide safe drinking water, increase sanitation practices in the community, and generate sufficient water for all household needs.

EWB-USA Philadelphia will work hand-in-hand with the local community and EWB Guatemala to complete the project with long-term sustainability, community empowerment, and stakeholder satisfaction in mind. The local community will provide materials and labor to complete the project. After the project is completed, EWB-Philly will send engineers to Guatemala to ensure that the project has clearly benefited the community.

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