(Credit/source: EWB-NY Professional Chapter)

Q: I am not an engineer. Can I still join the EWB-USA Philadelphia Professional Chapter?

A: Yes. While engineering is at the heart and soul of our organization, every chapter takes a holistic approach to development by incorporating a variety of disciplines into their project teams. Chapters often capitalize on the expertise of anthropologists, educators, statisticians, sociologists, health professionals, journalism, language arts, and scientists to address the educational, technical, and social aspects of the program.

Q: How can I get involved on a project?

A: First, look over our list of projects. After you’ve identified a project that you might be interested in, check out its blog. Then, when you’ve gotten a basic overview of the project, contact the Project Lead for the date and time of the next project team meeting. EWB-Philly is also heavily invested in monthly local volunteer/outreach projects in the Greater Philadelphia region. View our gallery to see some of the chapter’s past work, and contact outreach[at]ewb-philly.org to find out about what’s planned for the future. The calendar is also frequently updated with opportunities!

Q: What are the requirements for traveling to a country with an EWB-Philly project team?

A: A basic requirement to travel on an EWB-USA project is you must be a paying member in good standing of EWB-USA. Other requirements vary by project and are decided by the Project Lead.

Q: Is travel a requirement to part of a project?

A: No. You can still participate on projects and help with its design, planning, and implementation from here in the states. Chapters also need members skilled in training, mentorship, event planning and fundraising. You can also join our hands-on monthly local outreach projects, which typically take place on a Saturday morning for several hours.

Q: Who pays for traveling to the project country?

A: Project teams are responsible for fundraising for travel expenses, including: airfaire, in-country transportation, and lodging. Traveling members use personal vacation days for travel. Fundraising and grant writing is an essential tasks of the chapter, not just for project costs, but to also ensure traveling members don’t have to incur the travel funding on their own. We only ask that you primarily donate your time and passion.

Q: What is the typical duration of an EWB international project?

A: Chapters follow a rigorous project process (developed by EWB-USA national headquarters in Denver, Colorado) as they assess, design, and implement their community-driven programs. These processes include reports for Pre/Post-Implementation, Alternatives Analysis, Pre/Post-Implementation, and Post-Construction Monitoring. EWB-USA requires that a chapter have a minimum five-year commitment with each international project community to ensure sustainability of the technical design and implementation of any social/education programs.

Q: What’s in it for me?

A: In addition to making a positive local and global impact in building a better world:

  • Engaging in social and professional networking opportunities – a community of people motivated to grow and engineer change;
  • Being a part of EWB-USA’s mission working with community partners;
  • Gaining hands-on experience in the field;
  • Developing non-technical skills, including leadership, communication, and project management;
  • Gaining a broader perspective of the world and different cultures.

Q: I have an EWB question that’s not listed on here.

A: Enter your question here, and we’ll respond to you or post it on this page!